Saturday, August 9, 2008

Prepping for the New School Year

This year I have a new list of things I'm going to try and implement.  I also have a list of things I'm going to try and avoid!

1. Touch things 1 time and deal with them adequately!
2. Improve my filing system for hard copies of important documents.
3. Weed through the ridiculous amount of books and part with some of them regardless of my emotional attachment!
4. Stop procrastinating on tasks I hate - by doing them first!
5. Be willing to give up a system, book, project, software, method, etc. that is not working for me before wasting vast amounts of time!

1. Making careless mistakes by rushing too much - steps here - be more careful!
2. Use my time more wisely by using GTD strategies that work and simply life.
3. The phone....   Need I say more?
4. The television - at least during the day!
5. People who frustrate me or waste my time on things that don't really matter.

Well, it all sounds great.  The question is.....  Will I do it?  I'm definitely going to try!



how is it coming? i know what you mean, i have my own list of what to do and not to do.

CClinger said...

I've been pretty disciplined in some things, not so much in others!